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Thorton Colby CX410 Butte

Thorton Colby CX410 Butte


The Colby CX410 Butte is essentially a lifted, pickup truck variant of the standard Colby C125. It is the most widley-sold delivery truck in Night City, with up to 100,000 units in the city alone.


How does the Butte differ from the base Colby? The most important difference: the standard trunk has been replaced with a pickup truck bed. It's found popularity among small business owners who use it to transport stock and among street thugs who find using a truck bed and tarp is more convenient than a car trunk for moving bodies



  • Location of Item

    A green version is offered for sale by Muamar Reyes for €$43,000; you can pick it up at the parking lot of Piez in Santo Domingo.

    An orange version is found for free in the Desert Film Set in the Badlands. The vehicle disappears at some point, so it is recommended to go pick it up as soon as possible.

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